April Gardening Tips
The soil should be warm enough now for sowing a range of vegetables outside including beetroot, carrot, lettuce, radish and peas.
Lilies which have their pond can be divided and replanted once they come into growth.
Lavenders can be lightly trimmed to prevent them becoming leggy and woody at the bottom.
Now is a good time to sow a wild flower meadow.
Tomato, pepper and cucumber seeds can be sown indoors now.
When sweet pea seedlings reach about 10cm tall pinch out the growing tips to encourage branching
Old Hydrangea flower heads which have been left on throughout the winter to protect emerging shoots can now be removed cut back to a pair of healthy green buds.
Put supports in place around tall perennials so plants grow through as they develop.
Hardy annuals can now be sown in beds outside
Sow seeds of winter veg such as Brassicas and Celery these should be ready for planting out in May
Scatter a general fertilizer around shrubs trees and hedges and mulch well afterwards.
Roses can be mulched well now after feeding with a good Rose fertilizer.