Family Run Garden Centre Founded 40 Years Ago
Visit Us Today Open 08:30 - 1730
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Group 19 Buy with Confidence - 5 Year Plant Guarantee
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Path 57 The Largest Outdoor Living Showroom in Norfolk
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Taverham Nursery Centre is now offering even more value for money to our many customers with our TNC gardening club loyalty Card. It is absolutely FREE to register for a card so pop in store to sign up today!

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April Gardening Tips

The soil should be warm enough now for sowing a range of vegetables outside including beetroot, carrot, lettuce, radish and peas. Lilies which have their pond can be divided and replanted once they come into growth. Lavenders can be lightly trimmed to prevent them becoming leggy and woody at the bottom. Now is a good…
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May Garden Tips

Pheromone traps can be hung in fruit trees now to catch Plum or Codling moths. Keep recently put in plants well-watered this is the most important thing when establishing new plants and preventing them from getting checked in growth. If you have a pond make sure wildlife can get out by having a sloping side…
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June Gardening Tips

Overcrowded clumps of spring flowering bulbs can be lifted and divided once the leaves have started to yellow. Fruit trees naturally shed some fruit in June, but overcrowded branches should still be thinned further for bigger juicier fruits. If not already done greenhouses should be shaded now to prevent plants from becoming stressed with the…
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July Gardening Tips

Prune back the strong growth on Figs to control the size of the plant and channel the plants energy into the development of new fruit. Autumn flowering bulbs such as Colchicum and Nerines can be planted now. After flowering congested bearded Irises can be lifted and divided to restore vigour and improve flowering for next…
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Keith / Plants Manager
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Keith our resident plant expert with over 48 years within the industry on both the retail and growing side of the business. Keep updated with his gardening tips and monthly blog.

Magnolias Restaurant

At magnolias restaurant we offer hot drinks, cold drinks, hot meals and snacks, cakes, desserts and more. All in a delightful setting with outdoor and inddor seating. So take a break and enjoy a bite to eat.

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About us


Taverham Garden Centre, located some 6 miles to the north west of Norwich, is known for its high-quality products, extensive stock lines, competitive prices and first-class customer service. The business has been trading for over 30 years under the same ownership/management, and in that time has established an excellent reputation both at a local level and throughout East Anglia.

Ken Dye and Roy Drane started the business in 1982, supplying strawberry plants and Christmas trees to commercial markets. In the early 1980s, the business began to expand and product lines diversified into sales of plants, peat, compost and basic gardening items. This expansion encouraged the retail side of the business and was to see the beginnings of that strong local customer base that is the core of the business today. The name Taverham Garden Centre is widely known and frequently recommended by word of mouth by local people and visitors to the area.

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Highlights June picture

Highlights from the June garden

It is hard to think of a better early flowering shrub than Cistus (Sun roses) with their succession of flat saucer blooms with thin tissue paper-like petals which unfurl daily over several weeks. One of the showiest is Cistus x purpureus this compact evergreen shrub has large rich pink flowers with a maroon blotch at…
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Myosotidium hortensia

Highlights from the May garden

With the days getting longer and warmer and the garden buzzing with life, May is perhaps the busiest and most rewarding time to be out in the garden. While the birds are busy nesting and feeding their young, over-wintered plants can be placed outside in their summer positions, and the planting out of bedding, tender…
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Macrh gardening tips

How to grow your own salad

Summer is the time to harvest your own salad and there is nothing like eating your own homegrown food. It is totally true what gardeners say, and that is, homegrown tastes best! At this time of year, when you grow your own food, you’ll find plenty of harvests from squash to brassicas, onions, fruit and delicious summer…
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15 gardening tips for August

It’s August, the holidays are here, and it’s time to really make the most of your garden. Borders are filled with late summer flowers, and there’s plenty to harvest in the vegetable plot! Keep your garden looking great this month with our top 15 gardening tips for August. Top 15 gardening tips for August
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